
Campaign launched to save Tall Ship

A campaign has been launched to save the Tall Ship Tenacious.

Tall Ship Tenacious. Photo courtesy Sail Training International
Tall Ship Tenacious. Photo courtesy Sail Training International

A campaign has been launched to save the Tall Ship Tenacious.

The future of SV Tenacious hangs in the balance following the insolvency of ship owners, the Jubilee Sailing Trust in December 2023.

The charity provided voyages for disabled and non-disabled people to sail alongside each other as equal members of crew.

Like many charities the Trust had faced financial difficulties, particularly after Covid and this has left the future for Tenacious looking uncertain.

The ‘Tenacious – Looking Forward’ group, made up of volunteers and supporters, hope that a solution can be found so Tenacious can continue operate.

“Tenacious is not just a ship to those of us who have been lucky enough to sail on her, she is freedom, a community, a school, a family and so much more,” said watch leader Charlie Mercer. “As a wheelchair user Tenacious has changed my life in a huge way and has left a beautiful imprint on my life.”


Charlie added: “Tenacious didn’t just allow people with disabilities to go on a ‘sailing holiday’, she made it possible to sail as a valuable member of crew, no matter your abilities and disabilities.”

And she said that without Tenacious all this will disappear.

“She is the only tall ship in the world that is designed to enable people of all walks of life to sail and crew as equals,” continued Charlie in her plea to save the ship. “Without her myself and so many others will never be able to sail again. That is devastating for not just those of us lucky enough to have had that experience but for all those who have not, and never will, without Tenacious.

“That is why we need her saved, to carry on sailing and changing lives. That is the importance of Tenacious.”

The Trust has previously said the ship cost £150,000 per month to run.

Tenacious has a wide range of adaptations to allow people of all abilities to sail her, including lifts to all decks, a speaking compass for the sight impaired and ascender systems for mobility impaired crew to ascend the mast.

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