Tuesday, October 22, 2024
HomeNewsNew strategy for Union Canal

New strategy for Union Canal

Scottish Canals in partnership with City of Edinburgh Council have launched the Edinburgh Union Canal Strategy 2024-2029 to refocus efforts to improve the Canal.

The strategy, put together by Edinburgh Union Canal Partnership, comprising of City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Canal, outlines ways in which user behaviour, access, safety, development opportunities and enhancing biodiversity can be improved along the towpaths.

Where resource and finance allow, the strategy will also aim to look at increasing signage to promote responsible behaviour along the canal and look to continue its partnership working to grow and create skills-based training opportunities as well as ensuring the canal’s biodiversity is protected and enhanced through education and volunteering.

“The Union Canal recently celebrated its 200th anniversary and is a significant industrial heritage asset not just for the city, but nationally recognised as such by its status as a scheduled monument,” said Scottish Canals’ CEO John Paterson.

“This refreshed strategy developed by the Edinburgh Union Canal Partnership sets out a five-year plan and will prioritise on active travel, education, heritage, partnership working, and development.

“We will work with developers and other stakeholders to ensure new opportunities enhance the Union Canal and contribute to a resilient and inclusive canal community.” The Canal is used by several organisations carrying out activities ranging from boat trips to educational programmes.


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